Thursday, February 27, 2014

shop update:

one of my good customers asked me over a year ago if i ever planned to add earrings to my shop. before she asked, no, i had no plans. i really, really don't like to disappoint people, though, so here they are, the first style of earrings i've been working on. they are called vävd korg (woven basket) and i'll be adding some to the shop soon. i'm also putting together some necklaces for spring/summer (which is coming way too fast!) i'll try to update soon!


Monday, February 17, 2014

ice fish:

we actually got a nice blanket of snow last week. we enjoyed an entire day of snowfall. snow is always such a big deal here since we hardly ever see it. last year, we got some flurries--enough to build a tiny snowman on the hood of our car--but everything melted within 2 hours. last month, the little bit we got was gone the next day, but this time, it stayed a little while. my daughter and i made these ice fish using a silicone ice tray from ikea and some powder pigments. they did not last long, but they were fun while they did. i suppose this project would be more fun in a less temperamental climate. you just never know what a carolina winter's day will hold.

Friday, November 15, 2013